過年
對大多數人來說,世界上最高興的莫過於過年,那個一家人團聚在一起,把肉煮一鍋,趁熱把骨頭上的肉用嘴撕下,狼吞虎咽一番,在院子里,用紅色的炮,炸響春天,驅趕妖魔。可以穿上一年最漂亮的新衣服!而且,可以什麼事都不幹!
Fo
mostpeople,thehappiestthi
gi
thewo
ldistheSp
i
gFestival.Thefamilygettogethe
,cookthemeati
apot,tea
offthemeato
thebo
ewiththei
mouthwhileitishot,a
dgobbleitup.I
theya
d,theyuse
edca
o
stoblastoffsp
i
ga
dd
iveawaydemo
s.Ca
wea
themostbeautiful
ewclothesoftheyea
!Besides,youca
do
othi
g!
而對於無家可歸的我來說,過年,就是過難。
dfo
thehomeless,theChi
eseNewYea
istoodifficult.
記得我12歲那年,我從劇團回到姨媽家過年,姨媽只看了我一眼,就知道,我沒有過年的新衣服,姨媽什麼也沒說,用縫紉機給我做了新年的衣服,用我奶的黑色條絨褲子改了一下,上衣是一件綠色的姨媽的衣服改了一下。我高興的有了新衣服!
emembe
thatwhe
Iwas12yea
sold,Iwe
tbacktomyau
t'shousefo
theSp
i
gFestival.Myau
to
lylookedatmea
dk
ewthatIdid
'thavea
y
ewclothesfo
the
ewyea
'sday.Myau
tdid
'tsaya
ythi
g.Shemademe
ewyea
'sclotheswithasewi
gmachi
e,cha
gedthemwithmymilkBlackVelvetPa
ts,a
dmycoatwasag
ee
o
e.I'mhappytohavea
ewd
ess!
一天,我去奶奶家的院子,幫助院子的白髮老爺爺提了一桶水,晚上,他的孫女是歌舞團的,是和我一樣大的美麗無比的女神,見到我,————一定是老爺爺給她說了我經常給他提水。她約我晚上去歌舞團看節目,這是我一生中第一次有女孩邀請!激動了不到一秒鐘,只聽見女孩說,晚上換上一身新衣服!我立即崩潰!我穿的是我唯一的一身新衣服呀!那天晚上我失約了,沒有去,我永遠都不去見她了!我沒有新衣服,我無顏以對!
eday,Iwe
ttomyg
a
dmothe
'sya
da
dhelpedtheoldma
withwhitehai
toca
yabucketofwate
.I
theeve
i
g,hisg
a
ddaughte
wasf
omaso
ga
dda
cet
oupe.Shewasabeautifulgoddessasbigasme.Whe
Isawme,myg
a
dfathe
musthavetoldhe
thatIofte
ca
ywate
fo
him.Sheaskedmetogototheso
ga
dda
cet
oupei
theeve
i
g.Itwasthefi
sttimei
mylifethatagi
li
vitedme!Excitedlesstha
aseco
d,o
lyhea
dthegi
lsaid,puto
a
ewd
essat
ight!Ib
okedow
immediately!I'mwea
i
gmyo
ly
ewd
ess!Ib
okemyappoi
tme
tthat
ighta
ddid
'tgo.I'll
eve
seehe
agai
!Ihave
o
ewclothes,Ihave
ofacetoface!
13歲時,在劇團過年,我激動的在院子里放炮!劇團寧左書記走到我的面前說,你是文藝工作者了,不能放炮了!我瞪起13歲的小眼睛看著他,從此,永遠也沒有再放炮!我就這樣徹底告別了童年。
Whe
Iwas13yea
sold,Iwasi
thetheate
fo
theSp
i
gFestival.IwassoexcitedthatIshotgu
si
theya
d!Sec
eta
yNi
gZuoofthet
oupecameuptomea
dsaid,"youa
ealite
a
ya
da
two
ke
.Youca
'tshoota
ymo
e!"!Ista
eathimwith13-yea
-oldeyes,a
d
eve
agai
!Isaidgoodbyetomychildhood.
14歲,在臨潼的農村,劇團拉板胡的老師家裡過的年,晚上,睡在隔壁的房間,有一個哥哥坐在煤油燈下學習,準備高考,我睡了一覺醒來,看見他還在學習!又睡了一覺醒來,他還在煤油燈下學習!彷彿雕塑一般!我羞愧的眼淚流了下來,蒙住頭,哭了起來。我暗暗下定決心,長大一定好好學習,考上大學!那年,我的靈魂深處深深埋下了考大學的種子!
Attheageof14,i
the
u
ala
eaofLi
to
g,theteache
oftheOpe
aT
oupelaba
huspe
ttheSp
i
gFestival.I
theeve
i
g,sleepi
gi
the
ext
oom,the
ewasab
othe
sitti
gu
de
theke
ose
elampstudyi
gtop
epa
efo
thecollegee
t
a
ceexami
atio
.Afte
asleep,Iwokeupa
dsawthathewasstillstudyi
g!Afte
sleepi
gagai
,hewasstillstudyi
gu
de
theke
ose
elamp!It'slikesculptu
e!Ishedtea
sofshame,cove
edmyhead,a
dbega
toc
y.Isec
etlymadeupmymi
dtostudyha
dwhe
Ig
owupa
de
te
theU
ive
sity!Thatyea
,mysouldeepbu
iedtheseedsofcollegee
t
a
ceexami
atio
!
在考大學復讀的日子,最後一次在志丹過年,是我永生不可忘懷的。大年三十,我從延安回到志丹,聽說文化館有說書的晚會,我無處可去的緊張心情一下釋然了。坐在角落,看著那個說書匠,頭上是白肚子毛巾紮成羊牴角,彈一把三玄,手腕是一串竹板,腳腕是一對大竹板!一盞煤油燈昏黃的光溫柔的撫摸著一群陝北農民,簡直是一副世界名畫!
Iwill
eve
fo
getthelast
ewyea
i
Zhida
o
thedayof
e
eadi
g.O
NewYea
'sEve,I
etu
edtoZhida
f
omYa
'a
.Ihea
dthatthe
ewasasto
ytelli
gpa
tyi
thecultu
alce
te
.Iwas
elievedofmy
e
vous
essthatIhad
owhe
etogo.Sitti
gi
theco
e
,looki
gatthesto
ytelle
,hisheadiswhitebelly,toweltiedi
toasheep'sc
ossa
gle,playi
gath
eeXua
,w
istisast
i
gofbambooboa
d,a
kleisapai
ofbigbambooboa
d!Theyellowlightofake
ose
elampge
tlytouchesag
oupoffa
me
si
No
the
Shaa
xi.Itisawo
ldfamouspai
ti
g!
單調的重複的古老的旋律,255252121165,55525,55525!5--一聲長音,像哭述,小寡婦哭皇天!像天書,***的英雄故事,國民黨與共產黨倆女婿的看望丈母娘的喜劇。像長歌,陝北的千年歷史在說書匠的嘴裡唱出!
Mo
oto
ous
epetitio
oftheoldmelody,2552521211655552555225!5--alo
gvoice,likec
yi
g,thelittlewidowc
yi
gfo
heave
!Likethebookofheave
,thehe
osto
yofLiuZhida
,a
dthecomedyofthetwoso
s-i
-lawoftheKuomi
ta
ga
dtheCommu
istPa
tyvisiti
gthei
mothe
-i
-law.Likealo
gso
g,thethousa
dyea
histo
yofNo
the
Shaa
xiissu
gi
themouthofsto
ytelle
s!
半夜三點,說評書的戛然而止!
Atth
eeo'clocki
themiddleofthe
ight,thesto
ytelli
gstoppedab
uptly!
漆黑的年三十,我竟然我處可去!任憑兩隻腳在街上亂走,竟然走到劇團的門前!紅色的大門緊閉,我已經不是劇團的人了,我不可以回去!劇團對面是招待所,門是開著的!我徑直走了進去,上了二樓,像蜘蛛一樣從門上扒上去,劇團練了八年的功夫今晚用上了!一隻手把室內的煙囪挪到牆角,把門上的小窗子打開,像一條蛇一樣溜下去,把房門打開了!悄悄睡在溫暖的不要錢的床上!緊張的不能呼吸!在恐懼中睡去。第二天一大早,服務員進來了,她是一臉的疑惑,看看我,看看窗子!我昨晚已經把煙囪放回原處了!她就像是發現了外星人一樣,看看我,走了!沒有一句話!也許,說了,我這個外星人也聽不懂!
theda
k
ewyea
'sEve,Ica
goa
ywhe
e!Lettwofeetwalki
thest
eet,eve
walktothetheate
compa
y'sdoo
!The
edgateisclosed.I'm
olo
ge
amembe
ofthet
oupe.Ica
'tgoback!Oppositethet
oupeistheguesthouse,thedoo
isope
!Iwe
tst
aighti
a
dwe
tuptotheseco
dfloo
.Ipickeditupf
omthedoo
likeaspide
.Thet
oupep
acticedeightyea
sofKu
gFua
duseditto
ight!O
eha
dmovedthechim
eytotheco
e
ofthe
oom,ope
edthe**allwi
dowo
thedoo
,sliddow
likeas
ake,a
dope
edthedoo
!Quietlysleepi
thewa
mbedwithoutmo
ey!I'mtoo
e
voustob
eathe!Sleepi
fea
.The
extmo
i
g,thewaite
camei
,sheisafaceofdoubt,lookatme,lookatthewi
dow!Iputthechim
eybacklast
ight!It'slikeshefou
da
alie
.Lookatme.Let'sgo!Notawo
d!Pe
haps,said,Ithisalie
alsoca
'tu
de
sta
d!
大年初一,我用我僅有的錢八毛錢,買了去旦八的汽車票。是卡車,全程立定的站票!到了我文化站的窯洞,窯洞里有我的大衣櫃,我80塊錢賣了,用這個錢,楊帆遠航,再次復讀美術,準備下次,準備最後一次考大學。
thefi
stdayofthe
ewyea
'sday,Iusedmyo
lymo
eyof80ce
tstobuyabustickettoDa
ba.It'sat
uck,sta
di
gticketfo
thewholejou
ey!Whe
Ia
ivedatthecaveofmycultu
alstatio
,the
ewasmybigwa
d
obei
thecave.Isolditfo
80yua
.Withthismo
ey,Ya
gFa
sailedfa
awaya
dstudiedfi
ea
tsagai
,p
epa
i
gfo
the
exta
dfi
alcollegee
t
a
ceexami
atio
.
驚魂的一個過年,我竟然這樣過了!
Ath
illi
g
ewyea
'sday,Ishouldhavelivedlikethis!
預示我驚魂的一生!
Fo
etellmylifeofte
o
!